Los ejercicios propuestos sobre el tema de la obtención de la respuesta completa de circuitos lineales mediante el uso de la transformada de Laplace están disponibles en este enlace
Respuesta completa de circuitos lineales.Circuito transformado de Laplace
Lecturas de interés.
La revista Electronic design publica un artículo sobre lo que le conviene saber a estudiantes de ingenierías relacionadas con la electrónica y las comunicaciones.El artículo hace referencia a un libro que trata en profundidad cada una de esas areas cuyo conocimiento es imprescindible en el mundo de las TIC:
1. How to design resistive circuits. A real must as you never get away from having to make some
resistive circuit for your design.
2. How to prevent a power transistor from overheating. Dorr shows how to figure out what you
need. Most of us solved this problem with brute force by just bolting the power transistor to a big hunk of metal or snapping on the largest heat sink we could find and praying.
3. How to analyze a circuit. This chapter is mainly about calculating basic frequency response.
Again something that is a constant in most analog designs.
4. How to use statistics to ensure a manufacturable design. Here is something they do not often
teach you in school. A good topic. I wish EE programs would require a course in probability and statistics instead of some of the other math courses often required. A real practical chapter.
5. How to design a feedback control system. The basics reviewed. Not something every grad will
eventually use but others will find it useful.
6. How to work with op-amp circuits. A good review of the basics all EEs should know.
7. How to design analog filters. The focus is on active filters but a good review.
8. How to design digital filters. This is a good review of sampling and DSP in case you never learned
it in school. Designing FIR and IIR filters.
9. How to work with RF signals. The emphasis in this chapter is on transmission lines and the Smith
chart. In today’s high speed digital or RF worlds, everything is a transmission line.
10. Getting a job – keeping a job – enjoying your work. Good basic advice for the g
Música sugerida: Leonard Cohen ...otra